The Classroom Experience

Make the College as big or small as you like.
The College may have the most students on campus, but in fact, most of our classes have 30 or fewer students! You’ll have the ability to get to know your classmates and your instructors. Even for classes with large lectures, you’ll only have around 20 classmates in your discussion section, plus our professors often break up lectures with small group discussions of 4 to 8 students working through problems and challenging topics.
Learn from passionate faculty

Steeped in tradition, but looking forward.
Although KU is more than 150 years old, our methods for teaching are constantly evolving. The College is a leader on campus in different teaching approaches, from offering hybrid online/in-person classes, flipped classrooms that minimize lecture time in class and maximize interactive learning, as well as fully online courses. We also keep up with demands for new technological skills, teaching in updated and new facilities with technology that you’ll encounter after graduation.
Earth, Energy and Environment Center

Integrated Science Building

Summerfield Hall
Study among classmates and friends