two female students in river bed wearing trawlers collecting water samples

Research in the College

Our students and faculty are explorers, innovators and dreamers seeking answers to crucial questions in our communities. See how the College's research is changing the world and how you can find your passion in the heart of KU.

KU is a top-tier research university. For our students, this means you’ll take classes from professors who are leading experts in any discipline you choose. It also means you have the opportunity to work side-by-side on their research projects, learning firsthand how to take a project from an idea to a groundbreaking discovery. For our faculty, the array of colleagues translates to a wealth of collaborative opportunities to expand the scope and impact of your work.

The College plays a major part in KU’s reputation for research excellence. Our faculty, staff and students produce research and creative works that seek to make our world a better place. In the College, you will find:

  • Creative activities and performances that inspire
  • Scholarly work that expands our minds and shapes how we see the challenging issues in society
  • Laboratory studies that are building our basic understanding of the world and addressing fundamental questions at the heart of our greatest problems in society
  • Applied research and outreach efforts that directly impact communities in Kansas and around the world.

KU sits among some of the most prestigious research Universities in the United States with its membership in the exclusive American Association of Universities (AAU). In the College, we conduct research in three schools and over 50 departments, programs, institutes and centers spanning the full range of the arts, liberal arts and sciences. Moreover, researchers in the College play an integral role in some of the largest institutes and centers across campus.

Support Our Research

Our research shapes Kansas and the world. Your support will allows our researchers to continue breaking new ground.